Briege's Diamond Jubilee Celebration
10 December 2022
New Orleans, Louisiana

Archbishop Gregory Aymond, Archdiocese
of New Orleans
Sr. Briege renewing her vows of Religious Life
Bishop Sam Jacobs, Bishop Emeritus of Houma-Thibodaux, LA
Fr. Doug Brougher, Msgr. Chris Nalty, Bishop Sam Jacobs, Archbishop
Gregory Aymond, Fr. Joseph Palermo,
Deacon David Aaron (Priests/Deacon left to right)
Seminarians: Paul Oyie, Steven Bernasconi, Bosco Escriva de Romani (brother
of Fr. Pablo)
Jane Nalty, Sr. Briege and Msgr. Chris Nalty
Marilyn Quirk, Sr. Briege and Peter Quirk
Sr. Briege, Al Mansfield and Patti Mansfield
Sr. Briege with her cousins: Pat and Vera Byrne (from Ireland)
and Gretta and Hugh Murphy (from England) (left to right)