Photos of "Intercession for Priests" Retreat
All Hallows College, Dublin, Ireland
August 7 - September 1, 2006

Eucharistic Procession at Knock Shrine
National Day of Prayer for Priest - 7th August 2006

Sr. Briege at National Day of Prayer for Priests
Knock Shrine - 7 August 2006

Eucharistic Procession at Knock Shrine
National Day of Prayer for Priest - 7th August 2006

Concelebrated Mass at All Hallows, Dublin
Intercession for Priests Retreat

Most Reverend Bishop Robert Carlson
Bishop of Saginaw, Michigan
Intercession for Priests Retreat

Priests preparing for Mass
Intercession for Priests Retreat

Anointing of the Sick
Intercession for Priests Retreat